38th World Vine and Wine Congress
- Progress and Responsibility

From 5th to 10th July 2015
Mainz, Germany


… At the invitation of the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, the 38th World Vine and Wine Congress and the 13th General Assembly of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) will be held in Mainz (Federal Republic of Germany) from 5th to 10th July 2015.

It is an honour for Germany, after 1979 and 1999, to now be hosting the World Congress, one of the most important international scientific meetings, for the third time. The 38th World Vine and Wine Congress will focus on the key issue of "Progress and Responsibility". In addition to leading experts in the field of viticulture and oenology, participants at the Congress are expected to include many people from around the globe who wish to broaden their expertise.

Christian Schmidt, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture

… For the 6th time Germany will host this international event and for the 3rd time Mainz will be the Capital of the world of vine and wine for one week.

All these topics will be treated through the general focus on “Progress and Responsibility”, which are so important for the future global vitiviniculture.

The vine and wine sector worldwide will have the opportunity to meet again to discuss issues relevant to the development and improvement of production under the new conditions imposed by the global context. …

Claudia Inés Quini, President of the OIV

Congress themes:

Theme 1: Sustainable Viticulture, determined and moving

  1. Soil and Climate
  2. Genetic Resources
  3. Protection of Vines and Grapes
  4. Management and Techniques.

Theme 2: Oenology between conservation and creativity

  1. Technical Basis and Outlook
  2. Microbiological diversity for wine production
  3. Oenological Products in Development and Assessment
  4. Analysis in Service to the Vitiviniculture.

Theme 3: Law and Economy in Evolution

  1. Law as a Bridge between Producers and Consumers
  2. Demand and Means of Consumer Information
  3. Markets Creating the Balance between Quality and Quantity
  4. Training – the Basis for the Future.

Theme 4: Safety and Health - Important for the Individual and the Society

  1. Food Safety in Research and Daily Practice
  2. Consumption, Nutrition and Health in Balance.


Organising committee

Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft
International Organisation of Wine and Vine (OIV)

Selection committee

MrVicenteSOTES RUIZSpain
MrJean ClaudeRUFFrance

Welcoming address

Welcome address by Jean-Marie Aurand, Director General of the OIV

The 38th World Congress of Vine and Wine is undoubtedly one of the highlights in the wine world’s events 2015 calendar. Indeed, this congress, which will bring together almost 500 participants, with more than 260 oral and posters presentations, will allow researchers, experts, producers and policy-makers from 23 countries to exchange, discuss and share their knowledge over the course of a week.

I think this is a good opportunity to provide some figures showing the recent development of the sector, in order to illustrate its significance:

  • Slight growth in the global areas under vines (7573 kha, + 10 kha): China is now second in the world in terms of its vineyard surface area, with nearly 800 kha. Since the end of the grubbing measures in the European Union (EU), plantations in Asia and South America have slightly overcompensated for the reduction in the EU vineyards, as well as the Australian areas under vines.
  • Following a record year in 2013 (291 mhl), the level of global wine production was reached in 2014 at 270 mhl. In Europe, France and Germany recorded huge increases of +11% (46.2 mhl and 9.3 mhl respectively). Outside Europe, the United States (22.3 mhl) and South Africa (11.3 mhl) maintained good levels of production. Production stabilised in Argentina (15.2 mhl) and saw a slight decrease in Australia (12 mhl). New Zealand's record production (3.2 mhl) should also be highlighted. The most significant declines were in Chile (-18% with 10.5 mhl) and China (-5% with 11.1 mhl).
  • 2014 World wine consumption is estimated at 240 mhl, a decrease of 2.4 mhl compared with 2013. The traditional consumer countries resumed their downward trend (or stagnation), to the advantage of new consumer countries both in Europe and in the rest of the world. With 30.7 mhl, the United States confirmed its position as the biggest global consumer country. France (27.9 mhl) and Italy (20.4 mhl), in keeping with past trends, resumed their decline between 2013 and 2014, by 0.9 mhl and 1.4 mhl respectively. The level of consumption in China is estimated at 15.8 mhl: a reduction of 1.2 mhl compared with 2013.
  • In 2014, the world wine trade increased by 2.6% compared with 2013 in terms of volume, but stayed at the same value. The bottled export share was still significant, with a slight rise for sparkling wines (+1%) between 2013 and 2014, and a further increase in bulk wine exports.

Within a context of increasing internationalisation of the vitivinicultural sector, in which competition is developing between producer countries, and at a time when consumers and citizens have more and more expectations with regard to product quality, health protection and the environment, it is vital to define the characteristics of vitivinicultural products and their specifications in order to maintain their integrity, authenticity and longevity. It is also essential to promote good regulatory practices in order to ensure the fairness of trade. The International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) is at the centre of these concerns and helps to address the new challenges faced by a constantly evolving sector through its expertise. This congress will do its part to contribute.

You will find lots of information about the wine sector on the OIV website. Among the latest publications are:


Paper submissions must be uploaded on-line via abstract submission platform of the Congress. Submissions must be received by 22nd February 2015.

A. Authors are required to:

  1. Select the form of presentation. Three types of presentation are possible:
    I. Communication orale (15 - 20 minutes).
    II. Short communication (5 - 10 minutes).
    III. Poster.
  2. Select a theme and a sub-theme under which the abstract should be reviewed by the Joint Reading and Selection Committee. The Joint Reading and Selection Committee reserve the right to change the section and the sub-theme previously chosen by the author.

The Reading and Selection Committee takes the final decision on the adoption or rejection of a proposed abstract. The final type of presentation shall be determined by the Reading and Selection Committee. If the committee does not select a presentation as an "oral presentation", the paper can still be accepted as a short presentation or a poster.

B. Final papers submission

The final version of the accepted papers shall be submitted within the deadline indicated below, using your user account on the abstracts submission platform of the congress: http://www.oiv.int/congres/OIV2015GER/login

The instructions for presentation and publication of final papers, accepted for inclusion in the Congress proceedings (oral presentation, short presentation or poster) are available here: Guide to authors for paper drafting.

C. Important dates

  • Deadline for the submission of proposals for a presentation (abstracts): 22nd February 2015
  • Information about the decision of the Reading and Selection Committee: 9th March 2015 to 23rd March 2015
  • Deadline for the final papers submission: 1st May 2015.