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Analyse des Schaumweinmarkts aus Sicht der deutschen Verbraucher – Eine repräsentative Befragung

Gergely Szolnoki, Christoph Kiefer, Alexander Tacer and P. Roca
BIO Web of Conferences 68 03003 (2023)

Environmental Sustainability and Tourism—The Importance of Organic Wine Production for Wine Tourism in Germany

Gergely Szolnoki and Maximilian Tafel
Sustainability 14 (19) 11831 (2022)

How will mandatory nutrition and ingredient labelling affect the wine industry? A quantitative study of producers’ perspectives

Evelyn Pabst, Gergely Szolnoki and Simone Mueller Loose
Wine Economics and Policy (2019)

The effects of mandatory ingredient and nutrition labelling for wine consumers – A qualitative study

Evelyn Pabst, Gergely Szolnoki and Simone Mueller Loose
Wine Economics and Policy 8 (1) 5 (2019)